- We forget how to dream
- We forget our true capabilities and skills
- We become unhappy (both consciously and unconsciously)
- We turn to forms of escapism
So how should a person deal with this pain? One suggestion is to recognize and feel the pain. It will be uncomfortable and it could hurt a great deal, but you will at least know you are alive instead of being a zombie or on autopilot. And in fact, I have learned to acknowledge that in some ways, pain is my friend. Not in a sadomasochistic way, but in the sense that pain can provide me with information. Information that may be useful on my journey toward change and growth.
It was been discovered that it is often in these moments of pain that we can begin to be willing to open the door to change. When we are honest with ourselves about the problem, we give ourselves the opportunity to fix it. And not only that, we can tap into an incredible source of motivation.
More at this link... http://www.thechangeblog.com/feel-the-pain/
"We change when the pain to change is less than the pain to remain as we are." (Ed Foreman)